Workman’s Compensation Investigation in New York

Fight For What’s Owed To You

Work Compensation New York city
Workers’ Compensation is a program specially designed to protect the financial well-being of employees who are injured on the job. However, if a claim appears fraudulent, it can often be difficult to investigate the case without significant strain on your company as well as its owners and/or management.

That is why we are here! At American Eagle Investigations, we perform Workers’ Compensation investigations for insurance companies, claims adjusters, employers, third party administrators, and self-insurers. They request our expertise to assist in identifying and proving fraudulent claims.

How A Private Investigator Can Assist With Worker’s Compensation Investigations

When trying to prove worker’s comp fraud, evidence is key. By hiring a private investigator near you to look into a possibly fraudulent worker’s compensation claim, you can discreetly collect the evidence you need.

What We Look For In Fraudulent Worker’s Comp Claims:

  • Observation of Daily Activities – We will document activities that contradict the claimed injury, like lifting heavy objects or playing sports.

This type of surveillance typically lasts a few days to capture a realistic view of the subject’s activities. Once our surveillance is complete, we share our findings with the client, who then works with their attorney or insurance provider to handle the legal aspects.

We Can Help With Your Struggle

As your private investigators, we understand that our clients’ needs are different depending on whether you are investigating fraud, subrogation, or for “Arising Out of Employment or in the Course of Employment” (AOE/COE) purposes. We approach all of our assignments with the expectation that the results may be presented in a court of law or before the New York Workers’ Compensation Board. Therefore, we understand the importance of a thorough, professional investigation.

In many cases, we will conduct covert surveillance with little more than a moment’s notice! We can arrange to observe a claimant prior to and following an Independent Medical Examination throughout New York and New Jersey. We will video record the suspected fraud activity as it occurs in a non-intrusive manner that protects even the suspect’s legal rights. We will also perform interviews relating to AOE/COE investigations, which is a critical phase of the claims process.

Your private investigators will gather the necessary evidence and provide the most professional report in the industry, along with remedies that may include both criminal and civil action, and present it to you as part of your legal counsel. Our clients frequently inform us that they appreciate the continuity we provide on cases, which are periodically reviewed over the course of many years.

For more information on our Workers’ Compensation investigations, please call American Eagle Investigations at 212-344-8997 or fill out our online contact form.


Learn More About Protecting Yourself and Workman’s Compensation